We provide services to clients throughout the country and of course, locally and regionally from our offices in Greater Cleveland. We specialize in helping small and family owned businesses, professional services businesses, non profit & membership driven entities, politician and issue campaigns, product and entertainment entities.
Small & Mid Sized Business
While we have successfully served businesses of a variety of shapes, types and sizes throughout the country and across town, we have found that our best clients are SMBs that are either just starting out or starting to experience growth challenges, or getting ready to transition leadership. Our work with SMBs, both from start up phase to phasing out is well known throughout the local and national business community – earning us numerous awards for excellence. We serve law firms, accounting firms, physician and healthcare practices, restaurants, and product based businesses to name but a few.
Political Endeavor
Whether a candidate, issue or levy, our proven programs can take any political entity through the entire process of a campaign. From budgeting to timing, project management and messaging, and all the nuts and bolts in between – including branding, website, event support, social media support, advertising and more – our expert team will guide you right through to voting day. In working with a political endeavor, we only provide services to local, regional and Ohio statewide candidates and issues. We must also align with you as a candidate or issue – so as to be genuine to you and your campaign – know that we will not work with campaigns that are contrary to our beliefs, ensuring that you have a dedicated team that is wholeheartedly behind your success.
We pride ourselves on being a very pragmatic expert team – we have no other agenda other than to see you succeed. We have proudly worked with hundreds of non profit and other organizations to help them streamline and strengthen their offerings and operations, increase membership, donations, volunteers and donors – and better communicate overall all the great things the organization does throughout the country or community.
The target audience: Professional Services, Travel/Tourism, Construction/Manufacturing